OWN A PIECE OF HISTORY!! A UNIQUE LANDMARK!! THE ESTATE THAT GAVE "MICHAEL'S MILL ROAD" IT'S NAME!! Welcome to 7119 Michael's Mill Road!! This sprawling 8.9-acre waterfront estate dates back to the 1700's and offers one of the richest trails of history in the region! The 3-level stone and brick manor house is perfectly perched above the Monocacy River and offers stunning panoramic river views. From the moment you walk through the front door into the foyer, the term "They don't build them like they used to" comes to mind! The beautiful wide plank flooring, walnut and oak railings, the claw foot tub, 4 separate fireplaces, and the list goes on... On the lower part of this property sits "Michaels Mill"! Directly fronting the river, this 6-level historic grist mill was built with locally quarried stone, brick and wood and still has much of the original mechanics of the mill! At one time this was one of the most profitable grist mills in the area! DON'T MISS THIS TRULY SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY!! Call TODAY for more information or to schedule your private showing!!